iQoo is all set to launch its latest smartphone iQoo Neo 6, on 31st May. The phone will be available exclusively on Amazon and is expected to feature the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 870 5G chipset. Some of the other specifications include a 6.62-inch E4 AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate, Android 12, and a 4,700mAh battery with 80W flash charge support. The iQoo Neo 6 is also said to come with a 16-megapixel front camera and a triple rear camera setup comprising of a 64MP (OIS) primary sensor, and an 8-megapixel secondary sensor, and a 2-megapixel tertiary sensor. The iQoo Neo 6 price in India is expected to be Rs. 29,000 and it will be available in two colors – Dark Nova and Interstellar.
The iQoo Neo 6 is expected to have a price range of Rs. 29,000-Rs31000 in India.
The iQoo Neo 6 will be available in two colors: Dark Nova and Interstellar.
iQoo has been on a roll lately with the launch of its iQoo 6 series, which was very well received by the users. The company is now all set to launch its latest smartphone iQoo Neo 6 on 31st May.
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